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Luxury PU Leather Wallet Card Holder Case For Apple AirTags Tracking Device Cash & Cards

Luxury PU Leather Wallet Card Holder Case For Apple AirTags Tracking Device Cash & Cards

Regular price $26.99 USD
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Elevate your style and keep track of your essentials with our exquisitely crafted PU leather wallet for Apple AirTags – the epitome of luxury and functionality

Introducing our exquisitely crafted Luxury PU Leather Wallet cardholder Case, designed specifically for the Apple AirTags tracking device. This sophisticated accessory combines functionality and elegance, allowing you to effortlessly keep track of your valuables while maintaining a sleek and stylish appearance. Crafted from high-quality PU leather, it provides a luxurious touch that will elevate your daily routine. With its innovative design, this cardholder case offers ample storage space for both cash and cards, ensuring convenience without compromising on security. Elevate your organization game with this refined solution – the epitome of style meets function in the world of tech accessories

  • Enhance the security of your valuable Apple AirTags with this luxurious PU leather wallet cardholder case
  • Conveniently carry your cash and cards along with your Apple AirTags tracking device in style
  • Protect your Apple AirTags from scratches, dirt, and damage while keeping all essentials organized in one place
  • Enjoy the sleek design and premium quality of this luxury PU leather wallet cardholder case for Apple AirTags


Luxury PU Leather Wallet Card Holder Case For Apple AirTags Tracking Device Cash & Cards 

  • Detail: 100% brand new and high quality.
  • Feature: Specially designed for AirTag Bluetooth Tracker.
  • High-quality PU leather material, soft and comfortable touch, wear-resistant and nontoxic, has a long service life.
  • Multi-colors choice to meet your needs.
  • Note: AirTag wallet only, other accessories demo in the picture is not included!
  • Package Includes: 1 x AirTag Wallet 


What is the shipping cost?

Shipping is free. We are proud to provide FREE Shipping on all orders. 

Do you ship worldwide?

Yes. We provide Free Shipping to over 180 countries around the world. However, there are some locations we are unable to ship to. If you happen to be located in one of those countries we will contact you.

How do you ship packages?

We ship direct from our factory and distribution centers worldwide. Shipments for the USA may be shipped via USPS, or in Canada via Canada Post. UK shipments will be shipped via Royal Mail or Evri. Deliveries across mainland Europe are shipped via Deutsche Post, DHL, PostNL, Correos for Spain and PostNord for Scandinavia. Deliveries in Australasia are handled by Australia Post or Singapore Post. 

How long does shipping take?

July, 2023: Most orders are delivered within 10-20 business days. These are our estimate shipping schedule estimates for this month:

Shipping Schedules

Your Location

Estimated Shipping Schedule *

United States
10-40 Business days
10-30 Business days
Western Europe, United Kingdom
10-25 Business days
Eastern Europe
15-30 Business days
Australia, New Zealand
15-40 Business days
South East Asia
15-25 Business days
Middle East
15-30 Business days
15-60 Business days
Mexico, Central America
30-45 Business days
Brazil, South America
30-60 Business days
African Continent
20-60 Business days

  *Please allow for a 3-5 day order processing time.

Shipping Schedules Map


Do you provide tracking information?

Yes, you will receive an email once your order ships that contains your tracking information,

  • For some destinations due to free shipping tracking is not always available until the final leg of the journey.
  • For some shipping companies, it can take 5-7 business days for the tracking information to update on our system.
  • For logistical reasons, items in the same purchase will sometimes be sent in separate packages.
  • For some shipments there may be a delay of several days between tracking updates. This is normal - it can take a number of days for a package to move between postal distribution centers whilst in transit to its destination.

What about customs?

We ship internationally, and whilst most of our customers report zero duties/taxes due, your purchase may be subject to a small import duty depending on your country. We are not responsible for any custom fees once the items have shipped. By purchasing our products, you consent that a package will be shipped to you and you may get custom fees when it arrives to your country. 

If you have any other questions, please contact us and we will do our best to help to help you out.


Which countries do we deliver to?

We ship worldwide! Our global distribution network operates in more than 180 countries and islands around the world. Most international orders are delivered within approx. 10-25 business days. 

What is the delivery charge?

We are proud to provide all our customers with FREE Shipping on ALL orders! 

When can I expect my delivery?

Our estimated delivery schedules for FREE Shipping are approx. 10-25 business days. Some orders may arrive sooner, some orders may arrive later. We deliver our products directly from the factory, and this, combined with Free Shipping means that we're able to pass big savings directly to our customers. For more information about shipping schedules in your region, please visit our Shipping Info page.

What is your Returns Policy?

Our returns policy lasts 15 days. If 15 days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund or exchange. To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and packaged as new in the original packaging and returned back to us using tracked delivery. To request a return, please contact us and we will guide you through the steps to process your return. For more information, please see our Returns Policy page.

What is your Cancellation Policy?

Upon purchase of your order, you will be given up to 24 hours to cancel your order, if need be. We will provide you a full refund if required if you cancel your order within 24 hours. However, if 24 hours have passed since you made the order, you will have to wait for your parcel to arrive before you can return it to us. For more information, please see our Returns & Cancellations page.

What Payment Options are available?

Our store uses the PayPal Express payments gateway, which you can use to make secure payment by Debit/Credit card* or by PayPal.

NB. Even if you do not have a PayPal account, you can still pay with your debit card or credit card by clicking on the 'Pay with Debit or Credit card as a guest' option in the PayPal payment pop-up window. (* If you are not seeing this option it may be because PayPal Guest Checkout is not available in your country). 

How can I get in touch?

To get in touch with us, please contact us by submitting your message on our Contact Page. We respond to all messages within 1 business day.

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